The Little Things

The Little Things – Other Damages for Car Accident Claims

In my years of experience representing people injured in car accidents, I have found that many times there are sometimes small details that can make a difference in making the best recovery for my clients for all of their losses.  My goal is that in addition to maximizing my clients’ in pocket recovery on their injury claim to make sure that I have recovered for all of their losses.

These may seem like minor details, but in some cases can be substantial.  I like to be thorough and make sure to make the best recovery for my clients.  These are some other losses (damages) that I consider for my clients when representing them for their injury claim:

Loss of Use – When your car is damages and not drivable, the insurance carrier for the driver that caused the collision is responsible generally for loss of use compensation from the day of the accident through repairs or payment of the total loss.  It is your responsibility to diligently pursue the repairs or total loss compensation and you should be careful not to let time go by.  For most people this is a rental, but you may be entitled to compensation even if you are not in a rental or for time before acquiring the rental.

Repairs or Total Loss – One of my jobs is to assist people that were in a car accident with getting their car fixed as soon as possible, getting quality repairs, and getting fair value when their vehicle is a total loss.

Loss of Earnings – My job is to make the best recovery possible for my clients injured in a car accident.  This includes a recovery for any wage loss or loss of earnings.

Other Property Loss – Sometimes a person’s eyeglasses, sunglasses, phone, computer, bike rack, aftermarket car accessories, etc. are damaged in the collision.  Sometimes the paramedics will cut off clothing or it is damaged in a collision.  I always seek to restore my clients for all of their loss including this type of additional property loss.

Med Pay – Some people have an optional coverage on their insurance called Med Pay or Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage.  This helps me to put more money in your pocket if you have this coverage and does not cause your rates to go up.

Other Insurance – Some people have additional insurance through their employer, vehicle loan, or otherwise that can help me to put more money in your pocket.  A few examples are health insurance, supplemental health insurance, temporary disability insurance, etc.  Some roadside assistance and towing insurers provide medical payments or other coverages.  There may even be a type of additional insurance through your lender on your vehicle.  It is always a good idea to check for other coverages that can put more money in your pocket when you are in a collision.

Other Loss – In some instances expenditures for chores such as house cleaning, landscaping, child care, or even walking the dog may be recovered as part of a personal injury claim.

Mileage – I demand and typically recover for mileage for going to treatment appointments as part of my clients’ personal injury claims.

Sometimes seemingly small things can make a big difference in a recovery for a personal injury claim.  If you have been injured in a car accident, talk to an experienced injury lawyer and someone who will be on your side.  I have been handling injury cases since 2001 and have achieved excellent results for my clients through the years.  I offer free consultation and contingency fee where I don’t get paid until I recover for you.  If you were injured through the negligence of another, please call!