Pain and Suffering Calculator for Injury Claims

Some insurance carriers will tell you there is a calculator or program for evaluating injury claims.  This is misleading, but not completely without truth.  Basically, your injury claim is worth what you would be awarded by an arbitrator or jury …

Top 10 Things People do to Mess up their Injury Claim:

Top 10 Things People do to Mess up their Injury Claim: Not Having a Lawyer – Sometimes people think having a lawyer will be expensive or mean their case will be litigated.  Not having an experienced injury lawyer will typically …

Keeping Insurance Carriers in Check – Arizona’s Unfair Claims Practices Act

Keeping Insurance Carriers in Check – Arizona’s Unfair Claims Practices Act The Arizona Legislature has enacted laws governing and regulating insurance carriers.  It is Title 20 in the Arizona Revised Statutes.  This is a statute that I use frequently …