Statutes of Limitations

The typical statute of limitations for a car accident claim in Arizona is two years from the date of the collision.  But, beware!  For some cases the time period may be much shorter.  For a claim where a government entity is involved, a notice of claim must be served within 180 days or you’re are barred from making a claim.  For dog attack claims, there is a one year statute of limitations for the strict liability claim.

A statute of limitations is a time period in which a claimant may file a lawsuit and if you fail to do so during the time period, you are forever barred from making a claim.  If a lawsuit is not filed within the statute of limitations, your claim is barred and legally there will be no recovery.  But don’t wait until the end of your time period or you are likely ensuring your case will have to be litigated.

Statutes of limitations or repose are not the only reason to talk to a lawyer sooner rather than later.  Medical treatment is a key component of an injury claim.  If you do not treat for your injuries, your claim may loose value or even become completely worthless.

You should also talk to a lawyer early to make sure that the proper evidence is preserved.  Physical evidence can be lost, witnesses can move away or disappear, memories fade, etc.  Having a lawyer at the outset of your case helps to ensure that the evidence to prove your claim is preserved.

Many people hire an injury lawyer in the first week after the collision.  Many people speak with a lawyer after realizing the insurance company may be a problem.  You should talk to a lawyer as soon as you can after an automobile accident.  Unfortunately, many people wait too long and there are problems with their case or the lawyer can’t help them.  Don’t wait!  Consult with a lawyer as soon as you can after an auto accident.  Call Rob for any questions that you have!

Rob worked for one of the big national insurance companies.  He knows insurance and how the claims process works.  He has recovered millions of dollars from insurance carriers for people injured in auto accidents and brought thousands of cases to successful resolution.  Rob is experienced in the courtroom, mediation, arbitration, and in settlement discussions and negotiations.  Do not trust the insurance companies!  Talk to someone that can advise you on insurance coverage and getting the best possible result for your injury claim.  Talk to an experienced lawyer.  Talk to Rob!