Road Rage

Roads and highways can be dangerous places.  In addition to traffic collisions people should be aware of other dangers like “car jackings” and “road rage.”  While not nearly as common as other traffic accidents, there are hundreds of cases every year in the United States.  (for more information see )

As a safe driver, you should always be aware of your surroundings.  It is a good idea to keep your doors locked.  If you are confronted with a road rage situation or other threat, stay safe and avoid conflict and call 911 as soon as possible.

The National Traffic Highway Safety Administration (NTHSA) has studied road rage and has some recommendations on avoiding a dangerous situation.  They recommend avoiding the triggers of road rage such as tailgating, speeding, swerving, not using turn signals, and improper lane changes.  They also recommend moving over to give space and offering an apologizing gesture regardless of fault. 

If you are in a collision that you feel may have been caused in whole or in part by road rage, call an experienced car accident lawyer before talking to the insurance company.  Insurance policies can exclude intentional acts and depending on the facts and circumstances, the road rage and resulting collisions and injuries may be found to be an intentional act and the other person’s insurance may not cover the loss.  Be wary!  If you have been injured in a car accident, you should call an experienced car accident lawyer.

I am here to help!  Call me for a no cost or obligation telephone or in person consultation to discuss your injury claim and what I can do to recover money for you and put money in your pocket for your injury, loss of earnings, pain, suffering, trouble, and inconvenience.  My job is to maximize your in pocket recovery when you are injured in an accident.