Insurance Companies Deny Serious and Catastrophic Injuries





People are shocked when the “other guy’s” or even their own insurance carrier deny or do not completely pay for the medical bills, wage loss, and other damages such as pain and suffering when there is a serious or catastrophic injury.  I hear all the time that people say the insurance adjuster said they would “take care of it” or not to worry, and then they get a settlement offer that does not cover their medical bills.  For more serious injuries, insurance carriers will conduct an investigation, request prior medical records, assign a private investigator to document daily activities or other means to pay you less for your injury claim.  They look for any and all reasons to blame other causes and to pay you less for your injury claim.

Insurance companies frequently use the following reasons to deny your claim or pay you less:

  • Prior car accidents
  • Prior surgeries or prior medical conditions
  • History of sports or other activities
  • Physical job requirements
  • Degenerative changes, arthritis, age, and age, congenital, and non trauma related conditions
  • Prior work injuries
  • Statements given by the claimant

More than once this year, I have taken over a case where the insurance carrier had told the accident victim that they would take care of things, and then after obtaining the person’s medical record and prior medical history, taking recorded statements, and gathering other information; the insurance carrier denied the claim or offered substantially less than I recovered.  Talk to a lawyer before talking to the insurance carrier!!  When you or a friend or family member is seriously injured, talk to a serious lawyer first.  I have recovered millions for people injured in car accidents over the last fifteen plus years.  A call or consultation is free.  Don’t wait!  Call or e-mail today!!!