Dog Bites

Dog Bite Claims in Arizona

Dog attacks can cause serious injury and Arizona has specific and particular laws about dog bites and dog bite injuries. 

Arizona has a “Dog Bite” statute with a number of specific laws governing dog bites.  (See A.R.S. section 11-1025, et seq.)  This statute imposes a strict liability where owners of dogs are responsible for injuries that their dogs cause to others.  Be Warned, there is a short one year Statute of Limitations for the strict liability for Dog Bites!    While typically negligence is two years in Arizona, there is a short one year statute of limitations for the strict liability portion of dog bite claims.

The dog owner’s homeowners insurance also will typically defend and indemnify the dog owner for the claim.  If you are the victim of a dog bite, consult with an experienced injury lawyer.  As a dog bite injury lawyer, my job is to get your medical bills paid and get you money for your pain, suffering, wage loss, trouble and inconvenience.  Sometimes victims attacked by dogs have scarring or other serious injuries.  Sometimes plastic surgery is needed.  When you are injured by a dog attack, my job as your injury lawyer is to assist you with all of that, assist you with getting medical care from providers that will wait for payment until your case settles, and to make the best recovery to put the most money in your pocket.

Some dog bites are mild and do not require much medical care.  But sometimes the attacks and injuries can be horrific or even fatal.  If you or a loved one has been attacked by a dog, please call as soon as possible to discuss how we can help.

Sometimes people are friends with the dog owner or have even interacted with the dog before.  That is ok.  We can still help you with your claim and offer a free consultation to discuss the value of your claim and what we can do to help.

In my years as an injury lawyer, I have handled injury claims by other animals such as horses, livestock, and other pets.  If you were injured by a dog bite or another animal, please call.  I am here to help.

Don’t wait!  Time is not on your side.  If you were injured by someone else’s dog, please call me for a free – no obligation consultation.