Car Robot Collision

You may have heard that ASU is now offering food delivery by robot.  (See article Robots bring contactless food delivery to campus – The State Press ) The automated robots are wheeling around campus and surrounding areas delivering food.  The robots will be travelling along campus and sidewalks, crossing streets, and making deliveries.

While I am not aware of one yet, in the future there may be Car Robot collisions or even bicycle robot collisions.  Who would be at fault and how would this effect your auto insurance?

Liability would depend on the facts and circumstances for the collision.  And, who would pay for what and what would happen to insurance rates would depend on liability.  You should always talk to an experienced car accident lawyer if you are involved in a car accident.

While I am unaware of a car robot collision in Arizona, at least one has been reported in Las Vegas.  Strangely enough, this has been reported as a self-driving vehicle colliding with a robot!  (See article Robot Struck Down by Self-Driving Tesla | CES 2019 )
While this may feel like the future or a Sci Fi movie, self-driving cars and robots are now part of our roadways in Arizona.  You should take extra care while driving to look out for pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles, other drivers, and now delivery robots.

If you or a loved one is involved in a car accident or injured by the negligence of another, I am here to help.  Please call me for a no cost or obligation consultation where I will do my best to answer all of your questions and tell you how I can help.  I have been helping people injured in car accidents since 2001.  Don’t wait, call now!