Arizona Increases Minimum Liability Insurance Limits

AZ Increases Minimum Liability Insurance Limits

The Arizona Legislature has recently passed legislation to increase the state minimum liability insurance limits from 15/30/10 to 25/50/15.  The governor vetoed this legislation initially in 2018, (See article ) but it was signed into law in 2019.  (See article .)  The new insurance minimums will not go into effect until 2020.What are minimum insurance liability limits?  This is insurance that you are required to carry for liability or damage that you cause to someone else.  There is no requirement that you have insurance for your vehicle, unless you have a loan and your lender requires it.  There is also no requirement that you carry uninsured or Underinsured motorist coverage (UM/UIM), however there is an Arizona statute that requires insurance carriers to offer it and for the insured to reject it.  Liability insurance covers damage that is done to others.  The limits of 15/30/10 mean the insurance will pay out a maximum or limit of: $15,000.00 per person for bodily injury, $30,000.00 for all injured persons, and $10,000.00 for property loss.  The new minimum required limits will be $25,000.00 per person, $50,000.00 for all injured persons, and $15,000.00 for property loss.

This legislation will increase Arizona’s minimum insurance from the old limits of 15/30/10 which was passed in 1972.  This will follow the trend of other states to increase the limits that has been taking place in recent years.  (See article listing minimum required liability limits by state .)

This increase in the limits protects you when you are on the road.  You should still always carry UM/UIM insurance because Arizona still has a great many uninsured and minimally insured drivers on the road.  This coverage is inexpensive and provides coverage to you and those in your vehicle in the event of a collision with someone with no insurance or not enough insurance in the event of extensive injury.  Liability insurance provides coverage for damage that you do to others.

The increased minimal limits mean that there is the potential for greater recovery when people are injured on the roads in Arizona.  This change is a good thing with the increasing cost of health care.  The old limits of $15,000.00 per person were often not enough coverage or barely enough for claims where the injured person goes to the emergency room.  The new limits of $25,000.00 per person and $50,000.00 per incident for bodily injury will cover much more. 

Remember, these may also be combined or “stacked” with UM/UIM coverage when the claim is large enough and possibly other coverages, so be sure to consult with an experienced Arizona Injury Lawyer if you or a loved one is ever injured in a car accident.

If you have been injured in a car accident, you should consult with an experienced injury lawyer right away.  You may be entitled to compensation for loss of earnings, pain, suffering, trouble, and inconvenience.  Call me and I can help to advise you on repairs to your vehicle and your injury claim.  Having a lawyer can maximize your recovery when you are injured in a car accident.  Call me today!!!