Uber and Lyft Collisions

What happens when I am in a collision while riding in an Uber or Lyft?

There are various insurance issues when there is a collision involving a ride share such as Uber or Lyft. Whether you are the driver or a passenger, you should always get a police report.  You should get treatment for your injuries right away and consult with an experienced injury lawyer to discuss the insurance coverages for you.


If you are a passenger in a ride share you are typically covered by insurance through the ride share company whether the person that hits you has insurance or not. The insurance coverages and carriers vary by state, but at the time this article was written, there was at least $50,000.00 in Uninsured or Underinsured (UM/UIM) coverage for passengers in Arizona.  Most people don’t know that if you own a vehicle or reside with a family member that owns a vehicle, that UM/UIM coverage follows you and is also applicable.  It is usually possible to “stack” these policies for greater coverage. 

There may also be Medical Payments, the vehicle owner’s insurance, or other coverages available to you when you are a passenger in a ride share.  Uber and Lyft publish some of their insurance information on their websites:
Insurance – Lyft Help (zendesk.com)
Uber Help


When a driver begins working for a rideshare company, they should consult with an insurance professional to determine how much and what type(s) of insurance coverage is best for their needs.  Regular auto insurance may (and likely does) exclude you if you are working and driving as a rideshare driver.
There are differing levels of insurance and coverages when thy ride share driver has:
-The App is off
-The App is on but not connected with a passenger
-En route to pick up a passenger
-Passenger in the car

If you are working as a driver for a rideshare, you should be familiar with the coverages through the rideshare company as well as your own coverages through your own insurance.  If you are involved in a collision when driving for a ride share company, you should talk to an experienced car accident lawyer right away!  It can make a big differences as to sorting out the insurance coverages, how much is paid for the claim, and getting a good “in pocket” settlement.  Call me. I offer free consultations for anyone that was involved in a car accident!