Get a police Report after a car accident!!

Get a police report after a car accident!

I sometimes get calls from people at the scene of a collision asking what they should do. Or asked if they should call the police after a collision. If you are involved in a collision and someone else is at fault you should always call the police! Dial 9-1-1. The police will document the insurance information, the evidence, the point of impact, gather witness information, and preserve some of the things that are needed to help you get paid for the damage to your car, your rental, and your injury claim. The police agencies in Arizona usually issue a traffic citation to the driver that they determine to be at fault.

Calling the police will not guarantee that you will not have any issues with your claim, but it will be helpful to avoid problems. You should also take pictures of both cars and the other driver’s license plate and drivers license before the police get there. Do not let the other driver leave. If the other driver tries to leave, admonish them that the police may issue fines or criminal charges for leaving the scene of a collision. Try to take a picture of the other driver’s proof of insurance before the officer arrives. Don’t risk your safety to keep the other driver at the scene of the collision, but try to keep them there.
Sometimes it may take some time before the officer responds or shows up at the scene of the collision, but you shouldn’t leave. Wait until the officer arrives and call the police again if necessary. Obtaining a police report makes it less likely that you will get “stuck” when you are in a collision that is not your fault and it makes it less likely that you will have to litigate your claim in order to get paid.

Many of my clients have heard me say, “you get stuck by the insurance company on your injury claim if you do not have a lawyer.” One way or another, I have found this to be true many times over. You may not even realize it as it is happening or after it has happened. I have talked to far too many people, where it was too late to help them. Avoiding getting stuck starts with the collision; be sure to call the police after a car collision that is not your fault!

If you do not have a police report or did not do what is recommended in this post, don’t panic! In most cases, we can still help you. Sometimes people are honest and call their insurance carrier and confirm that they were at fault for the collision. But this is not always the case. I have seen at fault drivers deny liability, not contact their insurance carrier, even deny that a collision took place. Don’t get “stuck!” If you are in a car accident that is not your fault, call the police right away! Then you should call an experienced car accident and injury lawyer.