The Way We Drive is Changing; And the Laws are Changing

The Way We Drive is Changing; And the Laws are Changing

Last night, Tempe City Council unanimously banned Texting while driving.

(See article for more information)

Tempe had previously passed a ban in 2015, but the new law allows police to pull you over solely for texting and driving. (For more information)

The new legislation amends Tempe City Code section 19-55. Although the language of the new law has not yet posted at the time this article is written, the business of the City of Tempe can be found here:

And the City Code can be found here:


Is this a valid safety measure or another example of government encroaching on individual freedoms? Or just another tax?

One thing is for certain; cars, vehicles, driving, and the way we drive is changing. Self-driving cars exist and continue to be developed. Cars are being sold with increasing technological and entertainment developments including in car televisions, wi-fi hotspots, media ports and interface, etc., and who knows what else is coming. Driver assistance and other safety features are changing such as blind spot monitoring, rear cameras, self stopping cars, etc. Manufactures are also enhancing other safety features such as air bags and impact/crumple zones. There is no question that driving is changing, and no one knows what the roads of the future will look like.

How does this effect what you do in case of a collision? You should always call a car accident lawyer when you are in a collision as soon as possible. You should call the police and obtain the other driver’s insurance information. When you are injured, you should talk to a car accident injury lawyer right away to get good medical treatment and to maximize your in pocket recovery. Call a lawyer who will be on your side and help you before talking to the insurance companies! If you have questions or if you were injured in a car accident, call me. I can help!

Be careful out there! And be aware of other drivers and the road and drivers around you.