Motorcycle Insurance

Motorcycle aficionados say there is no better feeling than the freedom of riding a motorcycle. Being an accident and injury lawyer, I frequently represent motorcycle drivers who were injured through the negligence of another. Unfortunately, all too often the other driver does not have enough insurance to pay for the injured motorcycle driver’s claim. Here is some valuable information and tips for motorcycle owners on insurance.

First, take your insurance seriously and understand the various coverages. Don’t just assume you are insured if you purchase liability insurance. Liability only covers damage that you cause to others. Motorcycle insurance is different than car insurance, don’t assume you have the same insurance on your other vehicles if you purchase your motorcycle insurance from the same company as your car insurance. Also, many car insurance policies disclaim motorcycles, so you may not be covered if you are on a motorcycle unless you purchase insurance for a motorcycle.

You are at greater risk of injury when you are on a motorcycle than cars, trucks, and most other vehicles on the road. Approximately 80% of motorcycle collisions involve injury or death to the rider. (See and for statistics and more info.)

Since you are at a greater risk of injury (and an increased risk of greater injury) on a motorcycle it is even more important to insure yourself! Liability insurance (required by law) covers injury to others only. Comprehensive and Collision coverage covers damage to the vehicle. Sometimes the lender will require you to have this insurance if you have a loan on the bike or vehicle. Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM) coverage covers you when you are riding the bike in the event of injury. This coverage steps into the shoes of the other driver and covers medical bills, wage loss, pain and suffering as the other driver’s insurance would. As it steps into the shoes of the other insurance, the UM/UIM Insurance has all the same defenses that the third-party insurance would have such as liability, causation, that your bills are too much or treatment too long, etc. This is one of the reasons why you need a lawyer for a UM/UIM claim as well as third party claims.

Most Importantly, the UM/UIM Insurance is the coverage that protects you! Some insurers may not mention the UM/UIM coverage to you or may only offer the coverage up to the limits of your liability insurance, but be warned UM/UIM Coverage is important because it protects you. UM/UIM Insurance is also one of the cheaper coverages.

It is also a coverage that is frequently overlooked because people do not realize they have it or do not think of using it. When buying or insuring a motorcycle, please do not forget the UM/UIM Insurance!

Its a good idea to understand your motorcycle insurance coverages, think about what you are covered for, and ask your agent or this office if you have questions.  Ride safe!!