Collecting Lost Earnings When Injured in a Car Accident



When you are injured in a car accident, not only can the medical bills pile up, but the time that you miss from work can hurt your career and be financially devastating. The good news is you can recover wage loss when injured in a car accident, but you should consult with a car accident lawyer to make sure it is done right. I always tell my clients to 1) Save Pay Stubs, 2) Let the Doctors Know They are Missing Work, and 3) Track The Missed Time.-Pay Stubs – You should save pay stubs when injured in a car accident to confirm income.
-Tell Your Doctor – You should tell your doctor that you are or have missed work, discuss your injuries, and you may want to check that the provider notes in the medical record that you have missed work.
-Keep a Record – You should keep track of the dates and times that you miss work. It may also be beneficial to track any work setbacks or difficulties that arise. (You may also want to keep a pain and treatment journal for your injuries.)
-Verification – Keep in mind that when you are done missing work or done treating, we may need verification of the missed time from an employer. We can have the employer fill out or sign a log of missed time or it can be confirmed in a letter, fax, or e-mail that a supervisor signs.
-Special Circumstances – I have represented many realtors, business owners, independent contractors, commissioned sales people, and all types of people with various jobs. Compensation, jobs, and income vary widely and change with time. You should consult with a car accident lawyer to discuss your special circumstances to make sure you can recover your lost income.
Talk to a lawyer as soon as you can after a car accident to make sure that you can recover for lost earnings and time missed from work as part of your injury claim! Don’t be fooled by the insurance company, talk to a lawyer to make sure that you will get a good recovery for your injuries, medical care, pain and suffering, and wage loss!!