How to Maximize Your Personal Injury Settlement

When you are injured in a car accident there are many things on your mind; how to get your car fixed, missed time from work, getting medical care, etc.  You may eventually consider compensation for your injuries.  Here are a couple of tips for maximizing your personal injury recovery:

  • Call the police and get a police report
  • Take photos of all vehicles involved in the collision.  In some instances, the damage to the car that got rear ended may be minor, but the car causing the collision could be much more significant.  Photos of the damage to all vehicles involved helps to show the level of impact.
  • Take photos of your injuries.  Bruises, abrasions, cuts, lacerations, air bag burns, etc. will disappear and heal over time.  Visual evidence of air bag burns can disappear in hours.  Photos of your injuries when applicable can make a difference in your recovery.
  • Get the right medical treatment.  The insurance carrier will evaluate your claim on the medical care and medical bills.  Some health care providers are great providers, but not the best for maximizing your recovery when you are in a car accident.  Consult with an attorney for medical providers that will give you great care, wait for payment until your case settles in most instances, and maximize your in pocket recovery.  Under the law, treatment also needs to be reasonable, or the insurance carrier will not pay for it and it will not add to your recovery.
  • Keep a journal.  You may want to keep a journal of your pain, your recovery, emotional state, hardship, missed activities, recovery, or other loss.  This can help make a difference in how much is recovered.
  • Consider your own benefits.  Health insurance may help to put significantly more money in your pocket when used correctly.  (Consult with an attorney – Be Careful!  Some health insurance is entitled to be paid back out of your settlement and some is not.)  Optional benefits under your own policy such as Med Pay or PIP coverage can help to put more money in your pocket.  There are sometimes also benefits under a roadside assistance policy such as AA, or other benefits such as housekeeping assistance, pet or family care benefits, etc.  Consult with an injury attorney to understand how you can use your own benefits to maximize your recovery.
  • What you say can be used against you.  Talk to a lawyer before you give a recorded statement or talk to the insurance company!
  • Loss of Earnings.  Save pay stubs and keep a record of time missed from work.  You may be able to recover some loss of earnings.
  • Mileage can be a component of an injury recovery.  I recover mileage and other expenses for my clients.
  • Talk to an attorney first.  Don’t do it alone.  An experienced injury attorney can help to maximize your in pocket recovery.  Talk to an injury lawyer before talking to the insurance companies.

The insurance company is not on your side.  I offer free consultations for anyone that has been in a car accident.  Don’t wait!  If you have been in a car accident or injured, call an injury lawyer right away!!